Monday, August 4, 2008

August 11, 2008 Tamara's Weekly Letter!

czesc wam,Hey guys, well it was another good week, we worked hard to try and get the district standard, and we got really close again. It was really cool though because we got more progressing investigators and we had some really cool meetings. One of my favorite meetings was with Maciej. We had 2 meetings with him this week. On tuesday we really wanted to challenge him to baptism, even though it was only the second lesson. He'd already read the chapter we'd given him in the BOM and so we started teaching him a 3rd lesson about the gospel of Jesus Christ. he's so amazing and so humble! It's incredible to teach him! We taught him all about faith and how it grows like a seed and everytime we teach him a principle he'll listen and ask a few questions and then by the end if we make a statement about how it applies to people in general or how it can help him, he'll ask us if we've seen how it helps us in our lives. It really makes us think, and personalize it I love it! Towards the end of the lesson sis Coles felt like she should still ask him to be baptized even though we were pretty sure he wouldn't accept yet, and he didn't, but it really made him think, he didn't totally reject the idea, he just wants more time to decide(he said it could take a couple years!, I'd give him another 3 weeks!). Then we had a meeting again with him on friday with Krzystof(our EQ prez) and his girlfriend, and we taught the plan of salvation. Our secret goal was to get them to be buddies so they can both have a friend, and it's already working! Krzystof helped out on a few questions and answered them for him. The best was when we asked him to change his work schedule so he didn't have to work on sunday so he could come to church, he accepted because of the testimonies of Krzystof and Agata. Members are so amazing! They bore strong testimony of the difference it has made in their lives and he was able to see that! So we should have an investigator in church next week!We also met a Hindu! He wanted us to convince him that Christ is the son of God. So we had a whole lesson about Christ! It was really awkward because we had to do it in english, and I slipped twice into polish! But he took the book of Mormon and he has already read a little bit in it! Anyways love yall lots,S. TamP.s. we had a relief society party and I don't think I've eaten so much sausage and chicken in my life!-Agata's family are all members and they are sealed in the temple! She's the only pole I know that's not american that is sealed to her family!

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